Recently, church has been different. More and more people are getting saved. A newfound love for God is being rekindled within the old and new church members. Others have even received the Holy Spirit for the first time! There is a tide of change in the church. Thank God for that!
I have never seen such a significant change in such a short span of time. Sure, I have visited many churches in my lifetime but this is the first time I have seen the speaking of tongues, the audible chants and cries from church members towards God and witnessed or experienced blessings that cannot be explained. Could it be that the actively and passionately seeking of God can lead to such a significant transformation?
Today, the Holy Spirit is taking ahold of my hands. Today, I am writing to tell you to “Step up your game plan.” Many of you are questioning why you have not experienced the blessings that God has given others. You wonder why you are always stuck in the same state whereas others experience the manifestation of God’s love in their lives. You are saying: “ I don’t deserve it. I have made and keep on making so many mistakes that God would never transform me the way He is doing with others.”
But today, as a witness of God’s mercy and love, I am telling you that the tides are changing. If you are not in sync with God’s game plan then you are in the sidelines watching His miracles go by. STEP UP YOUR GAME PLAN! Being a passive, inactive Christian will get you nowhere. The time for change is now!
Hi there. I started going to WOHIC a few weeks ago and I stumbled upon this blog when looking up their official website. I've been trying to figure out who writes these blogs because they're amazing. I also write my own blogs on my Xanga and ever since I've started going to WOHIC I can't stop blogging about my experiences there. We've probably met before. Indeed, this past Sunday at WOHIC was one of the best days of my life just witnessing people receiving the Holy Spirit. That was my first time ever seeing that and I cried because it I finally knew it was real, that it's not something that you only see on tv or in movies.