For over 20 years, I have prayed for my family. Many of them to this day are not saved. Days, months, and years have passed with the all too familiar words "What else could happen?" or "That's life". It is almost as if they expect the worse to happen. Maybe it is a cultural thing but ever since I was a kid, I was taught that problems were simply a part of everyday life. This is a good lesson to learn but an incomplete one, in my opinion. For every problem, we have a choice: we can choose to allow the problems to consume us or we can choose to use the power and authority that God has given us to rebuke them. It doesn't mean that the problem will disappear; it simply means that we have the authority to not allow the problem(s) to affect us in any way, shape, or form.
Recently, I have been led to go back to basics. I started to re-read "Believer's Authority" by Kenneth Hagin. It that book, Kenneth speaks about the authority we have in Christ and refers the reader to Ephesians Chapters 1-3. The author recommends that we read this day and night and to use it as part of our daily prayers. I had done this a few years ago, including in my prayers, my family members. After a while, however, I stopped. The daily prayer became a weekly prayer, then a monthly until eventually it got shelved along with the many items of my "to do list".
For about a year now, I have been under constant attack by the enemy, my flesh, and my mind. It has been quite a struggle for me. However, as I said in the past 2 blogs, you have to continue to serve God and praise Him "in spite of" your circumstances. About a month ago, I had the unique opportunity to talk to my sister. In our conversation, I asked her if she wanted to accept Jesus into her life. To my surprise, she said "Yes". We prayed together and the miracle happened: her salvation. During Thanksgiving weekend, my mother called and told me that she witnessed an event that can only be defined as a miracle. She told me that after the event, a Christian woman told her to believe that God can perform miracles. As she told me the story over the phone, she said "If it is in God's will, miracles can happen." I corrected her and told her that "Miracles do happen because it is God's will".
I firmly believe that the shackles and chain of oppression, sickness, and any other attack from the enemy are broken, if we speak in authority over them. I believe that we have authority in Christ to trample under our feet the serpent, to bind our souls (mind and flesh), and that God will always show us the miracle of His love through scripture, the church, and other people. I choose to believe in miracles. Do you believe in miracles?
Yes that's right. Miracles happen because it's God's will. The Lord Jesus told Jairus, "only believe." If you can believe, all things are possible to those who believe. "For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil." - 1 Jn. 3:8 When the miracle doesn't happen, it's not because it wasn't GOD's will. It's because the person isn't believing Him and acting on it in that area. Thank you for standing up for the truth.