Friday, May 11, 2012

Too Busy for God?

If there is one thing that I do not like about the East Coast is the busy lifestyle. Sure, things get done quicker and more efficiently but at what cost?  It is frustrating to feel so tired that you can't even answer an email from a friend or pick up the Bible and read.  At what point are we too busy for God?

Today, remember that no blessing in your life came from you.  They were all a gift from God who loves you and want to bring you prosperity.  The least you can do is give Him the time He is asking for.  Even if it is 5 minutes a day while you are running to do your errands, make it a point to keep God in your mind, heart, and Spirit.

Do not get suckered into life, its demands, and the tricks of the enemy to remove your intimate relationship with God.  Take a stand!  Be there for God!

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